We all have a responsibility – to our people, communities, clients and the world around us. We’re building a lasting organisation, with innovative, creative and technology based solutions for our people and our clients to realise their potential and value to the world.
Our clients around the world are on their own ESG journeys. We are too. We are aligned with many of their goals.
We are committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Our commitment
We’re on a journey to reduce our environmental impact and become fully Carbon Neutral by the end of 2023. Individually and collectively, we’re taking real and positive actions. Our end goal is to become climate negative.
From our office and people footprint, to the way in which we deliver our work, we believe that if there is a sustainable way to do something, then we should do it that way.
Our Good Work:
We work with purpose-driven organisations like charities and more, supporting them by financially contributing to their projects and in some cases to gift our efforts. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. In doing so, our people feel they are making a positive societal contribution through the organisation they are part of.
Good Times:
We positively encourage our people to get involved in their local communities and causes that matter most to them and the business, with 2 paid working days per year for community volunteering or cause led activities.
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
We believe that diversity brings new perspectives to life and to our business, enriching everything we do.
We seek to ensure equality and promote inclusion, by aiming to provide a workplace where our people can bring their true selves to work and contribute to our collective success. We don’t think it just happens, it’s something we have to practice every day by looking to the value everyone has to offer and ensuring we provide a place to express it.